About Us

               “CuriosIITy Classes” is a dream Programme from the desk of enthusiastic, innovative and highly experienced set of faculties.

                 Undoubtedly, a classroom has heterogeneous set of performers. To meet the needs of top performers who can think and work beyond the text books, one should be ready to get them exposed at critical thinking and higher order problem solving.

            At the same time it is difficult to digest that only 3% of the students are good at concepts and only 2% of the students have analytical thinking ability after the schooling.
            To meet all the requirements we design a mind blowing super FOUNDATION Programme by the core IIT-JEE faculties who produced top single digit & double digit ranks @ JEE.

            It has become very essential for IIT aspirants to compete with 12 lakh students every year where only 50,000 comparatively good engineering seats are available in the country. We are sure that every student who joins with CuriosIITy Classes will have wonderful conceptual learning experiences! Looking forward… 

CuriosIITy Classes

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